Yesterday we went to a beautiful wedding and Yes...Catherine did go and had a blast. It was really great to be able to get dressed up and not worry about what can be yanked, pulled or torn out or off. I actually got to get dressed up, wear the dangle type jewelry, a dress that was low cut but not to low and heels that were pretty and not practical. And makeup...I actually wore lipstick. I never wear that because I am always kissing Allison and she would be covered in it.
Any mommy can understand this I hope! And the best part about all this was, I got to feel pretty and maybe a little sexy, not my normal frumpy jeans and t-shirt wearing self. Both my children looked at me as if I had horns or something coming out of my head and then Catherine simply states..."wow, you look beautiful"
After the wedding, Clint and I actually went out to dinner with friends and no kids. I got to wear a pretty shirt, cute shoes with nice jeans. I got to dress for me again...twice in one day. Wonder never cease!!
But all fairytales must I was back to comfy pants, t-shirt, no makeup and hair in a ponytail. I love my life, husband and kids....but I do love feeling like a pretty girly girl sometimes too!
Till next time....his Queen